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Loving Saturn: Resource Kit

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Connect with Saturn to move from Fear to Love

When life gets difficult, it's not easy to feel the love beaming down at you from the skies above. It takes work to appreciate how the hard times help you grow, and in these times we can turn to Saturn.

Saturn understands how feelings of frustration, inadequacy, heaviness, constriction and sadness are important for our evolution, and it wants nothing more than for you to feel how resilient you are. When you choose build a supportive relationship with Saturn, you will learn to transform these dense emotions into peace, power, fulfillment, strength and joy. You will start to see that Our Universe was always rooting for you, and you will find a deeper reverence for the life you get to live.

This Resource Kit will help you connect with the loving wisdom of Saturn through conversation, meditation, journaling, embodiment and a one-on-one coaching session. It was born from a joint project between Patrick Geary (Intuitive Astrologer / Energy Coach) and Cristy De La Cruz (Astrology Enthusiast / Somatic Coach) to change their Saturn stories.

The more Patrick and Cristy spoke with Saturn, the more they felt its loving support beneath the tangle of fear on the surface. They offer this same pathway to you through these resources:

  1. Foundational Conversation about the essential qualities, gifts and promises of Saturn (75 mins)
  2. Immersive Meditation to connect deeply with the presence of Saturn that lives within you (45 mins)
  3. Somatic Practices to process emotions during challenging times (5 practices: 50 mins)
  4. Energy Clearing and Support Meditation to release heaviness and invite positivity (10 mins)
  5. Guided Journaling Exercise to let go of (your) thoughts

You'll also get a link to book a Saturn Discovery Session (30 mins) with Patrick and/or Cristy. You'll get to know your own unique relationship with Saturn in your birth chart, and you'll discover what part of your life Saturn is lighting up with its wisdom today. ✨🪐✨

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£ 22.00 
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£ 22.00